64 Reindeer Jokes That Will Hoof You Laughing!
You'll have no ideer how funny these ridiculous reindeer jokes are till you've read them!
It’s universally agreed that Santa Claus is a Christmas hero, but let’s hear a round of applause for his trusted team of reindeer, because his annual parcel deliveries simply would not happen without Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner or Blitzen? And let’s not forget about the legendary Rudolph! He saved the day, didn’t he?
Want a fun reindeer fact before we dive into the jokes? Of course you do!
Did you know that the people who wrote the original Rudolph story thought about other names for our favourite red-nosed reindeer? Rollo and Reginald were both in the shortlist! Imagine if he was called Reginald! The song would be much harder to sing, that’s for sure!
Whoever your favourite sleigh-puller is, you’ll love these hilarious reindeer jokes! They'll hoof you laughing in no time at all!
Once you’ve laughed your socks off at these reindeer funnies, why Blitzen right over to some hilarious horse jokes, shockingly funny sheep jokes or sleighing Santa jokes!
How do reindeers know when Christmas is coming?
They check the calen-deer!

Which reindeer also has to work on Valentine's Day?

What do you call a royal deer?
A reign deer!

What’s a reindeer’s favourite game?
Stable tennis!

What do reindeer say before telling a joke?
This one will sleigh you!

Who laughed and called Rudolph names?
Olive, the other reindeer!

What is Rudolph’s favourite day of the year?
Red Nose Day!

Why was Santa so pleased with Rudolph guiding the sleigh?
Because it was a really bright idea!

What do reindeer want for Christmas?
A Sleigh-station!

What do you call a reindeer who can’t make up its mind?

What’s a reindeer’s favourite kind of exercise?

How did Santa’s reindeer look when they got fancy suits?

What do reindeer use to decorate their Christmas trees?

Why do reindeer wear fur coats?
Swimming costumes would be too cold!

When should you give reindeer milk to a baby?
When it's a baby reindeer!

Why didn't Comet take proper flying lessons?
They were elf taught!

What do reindeer say to elves?
Nothing! Reindeer don't speak elvish!

What do naughty reindeer eat for breakfast?
Co-coal Pops!

What happened when Dasher and Rudolph had a race?
Rudolph won by a nose!

Which of Santa's reindeer do dinosaurs dislike most?

What do you call reindeer boarding at King's Cross?

How do you get into a Rudolph’s house?
You ring the deer-bell!

What do reindeer use to communicate?
The antlernet!

How do reindeers save money on pizza?
They make their own doe!

Where do reindeer get their coffee?

What do reindeers have for breakfast?

Why are reindeer like coins?
They both have a head on one side and a tail on the other!

Why did all the reindeer have red noses like Rudolph?
It was freezing outside!

What is red, white and brown?
An embarrassed reindeer!

Why is Santa Claus always hugging the reindeer?
They are so deer to him!

Why was Rudolph sad about his school report?
Because he went "down in history"!

What do you call a reindeer with three eyes?

What do reindeer say every time they take a picture on a roof?

What does Santa wear in a thunderstorm?
His rein-gear!

What’s a reindeer’s favourite Elton John song?
Tiny Dancer!

What do you call a French street named after a reindeer?
Rue Dolph!

How much did Santa's sleigh cost?
Absolutely nothing – it was on the house!

Why did Rudolph’s nose light up in reindeer class?
He was a bright student!

What do all of the other reindeer call Rudolph?Â

Why do Santa’s reindeer think they’re a good team?Â
It's what they've herd!

What's got hooves and is very wet?
A RAINdeer!

Why was Rudolph's mum disappointed in his school report?
Because he went down in history!

Why does Santa like his reindeer to have antlers?
So he can get better tv reception in the sleigh!

Did you hear that amazing song by the reindeer?
He came up with it on the hoof!

What's got four legs and a flashes red?
Rudolph needing his nose changed!

Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
No, they already have names!

What's a reindeer's favourite celebrity?

What do you call Santa Clause's reindeer wranglers?
Jolly ranchers!

Whats the difference between a knight and Santa’s reindeer?
The knight is slayin the dragon, and the reindeer are dragon the sleigh!

Why doesn't Santa use reindeer milk in his coffee?
He's on a deery-free diet!

How much does it cost Santa to park his sleigh and reindeer?
Nothing, it's on the house!

What do you call a reindeer on Halloween?
A cariBOO!

What's the purpose of reindeer?
It makes the grass grow, sweetie!

What do you call a reindeer with no eyes or legs?
Still no ideer!

How do you turn a Christmas tree into a reindeer?
You decorate it with HORNaments!

Why did nobody bid for Donner and Blitzen on eBay?
They were two deer!

Which one of Santa’s reindeer has the best moves?

What do you call Rudolph with tinsel in his ears?
Anything you want, he can't hear you!

Why did Rudolph cross the road?
Because he was tied to the chicken!

Why didn’t Rudolph go to school?
He was elf-taught!

What's worse than a reindeer with a runny nose?
A snowman with a fever!

What did the reindeer say to the elf?
Nothing...reindeer can't talk!

What reindeer has the worst manners?

What do you call a deer with no eyes?
No-eye deer!

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