20 Ghostbusters Jokes That Are Ghoulishly Good
Grab your proton packs and get ready to laugh until ectoplasm squirts out your nose! That's right, it's the world's greatest Ghostbusters jokes!
What's your favourite Ghostbusters movie? Frozen Empire? Afterlife? The original? Whichever it is, these 20 hilarious Ghostbusters gags prove it's always time to slime! Don't believe us? Just take a look at this ridiculous list of movie jokes!
Not the kind of thing you're into? Don't worry - we have loads of other movie jokes for you to LOL at! We've got Marvel jokes, Pokemon jokes, even Diary of a Wimpy Kid jokes!
Ok, so you're looking for laughs, then? Who you gonna call? This list of 20 jokes, that's who!
What did Peter Venkman say to his kid?
It’s tough being apparent!

Where do the ghostbusters do their shopping?
They go to a Bootique!

Why is there a lift in the Ghostbusters building?
To lift their spirits!

Slimer is a terrible liar
You can see right through him!

Half of the ghostbusters are off sick
They’re working with a skeleton crew!

Why isn’t Dr Peter Venkman a respected author?
He’s got too many ghostwritten books!

What do you get when the Marshmallow Man blows his nose?

It's a good thing that the Ghostbusters don't charge a lot of money
Because if you couldn't pay, they'd have to come back and re-possess your house!

Why are mail workers ghostbusters fans?
Because they ain't afraid of no post!

Why did the ghost apply for a job?
Because they heard they had great “boo”nefits!

What kind of car does Slimer drive?
A Boogatti!

Why couldn’t the Ghostbusters ever finish their mountain hike?
Because they couldn’t cross the streams!

There’s a movie about people who carve statues of the dead that show only their heads and shoulders

How do the ghostbusters make so much money?
With a polterheist!

How do the ghostbusters keep in shape?
They exorcise regularly!

I was once told a bad joke about Ghostbusters
It still haunts me to this day!

What room doesn’t have ghosts?
The living room!

Why do you get Ghostbusters on Netflix but not on Prime?
Because you can’t cross the streams!

Did you hear about the ghostbuster who played hockey?
He is great at blocking ghouls!

Do you know the Ghostbusters’ catchphrase in Italian?
I ain’t alfredo no ghost!

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