20 Au-some Aubergine Jokes!
These freshly-grown aubergine jokes are ripe and ready for the roasting!
Did you know that Americans call aubergines eggplants? It’s true! Aubergines can be a bit of an acquired taste – except when it comes to humour, that is! These aubergine and eggplant jokes will have you rolling with laughter – and if you need more food jokes, we’ve got so many! How about kiwi jokes? Or brownie jokes? Or maybe some raspberry jokes to make you turn red with laughter!
What do you call an eggplant that just turned 13?
An auber-teen!

Knowledge is knowing that an aubergine is a fruit…
Wisdom is not using it in a fruit salad!

What do you call a cross between an orange and an eggplant?

How do vegetables protect themselves against sunburn?
By using auber-sunscreen!

What do you call an eggplant that just took a bath?

What do fashionable vegetables wear?

What do you call a vegetable who’s also a superhero?

Where does the Easter bunny get his eggs?
From eggplants!

Where do chickens produce electricity?
In an eggplant!

Why was the eggplant afraid?
It had a bad auber-dream!

What did the aubergine say to the chef?
“You’re really grilling me here!”

What socks do you need to plant aubergines?
Garden hose!

What’s the funniest vegetable?
The auber-meme!

What’s the smartest vegetable?
The auber-genius!

Did you ever hear about the chickenplant?
Well, maybe you heard about the eggplant first…

What do you call a terrified eggplant?

What’s the difference between aubergine and bogeys?
Children will actually eat bogeys!

What do you get if you rub an eggplant?
An auber-genie!

How do vegetables travel?
By Uber-gine!

What do you call an eco-friendly eggplant?
An auber-green!

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