22 Avocado Jokes That Will Guac You Up
Avo giggle at Beano's cracking collection of amusing avocado jokes that will guac your world!
Avo good time laughing it up at these hilarious avocado jokes?
Then you'll love these fantastically funny food jokes, bonkers banana jokes or even some eggcellent egg jokes!
What does Pac-Man put in his tacos?

What is Shere Khan's favourite dip?

How do robots eat guacamole?
With microchips!

How do you know when avocado has gone bad?
It turns guacamoldy!

What did the grumpy avocado say?
You have guac to be kidding me!

What do avocados say in a sticky situation?
I'm stuck between a guac and a hard place!

What happens when avocados fall out?
It gets guacward!

How do avocados say goodbye?
See you later avo-gator. In a while guac-odile!

How did the avocado feel after getting a promotion?
Like things are moving in the ripe direction!

What do avocados say to each other before they are bought at the supermarket?
Things are alripe for now!

How does an avocado fairy tale end?
Happily avo after!

What do people say when there's nothing left to dip your tortilla chip in?
I have hit guac bottom!

What do you say to an avocado who’s done a good job?

How did the avocado feel after a day at the gym?
Hard core!

What’s an avocado’s favourite kind of exercise?

What do you get when you cross an avocado with a radio?
A guakie-talkie!

What do you say when you hand someone an avocado?

What did the avocado say before the rabbit disappeared?

What do you call young avocados?

What's an avocado's favourite type of music?
Guac n' roll!

What does a duck that's made of avocado say?

Who's dad loves guacamole?
Nacho average dad!

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