20 Batter-ly Brilliant Brownie Jokes!
These jokes are fresh out of the oven and they smell amazing! Get ready to laugh at some delicious brownie jokes!
Craving some sweet laughs? These freshly-baked jokes are hot off the press – and absolutely hilarious! And if you need more dessert-based laughs, check out the rest of our selection! Have a laugh at biscuits, doughnuts, or even hot cross buns!
Why are brownies such good friends?
They’ll never dessert you!

What do you call a sad brownie?
A frownie!

What do you call a brownie who likes to live life dangerously?
A real whisk-taker!

Brownies can be part of a balanced diet…
Just hold one in each hand!

Why did the cake behave so well at school?
It wanted brownie points!

What did one brownie say to the other?
“I’m batter off with you!”

What happened when the ice cream met the warm brownie?
The ice cream had a meltdown!

What did the brownie say to the fork?
“You want a piece of me?”

There are two types of people in this world…
People who love brownies, and liars!

How is a baseball team like a brownie?
They both depend on a good batter!

Why did the computer programmer put his brownies back in the oven?
They were too GUI!

I just burned 3,000 calories…
That’s the last time I leave brownies in the oven while I take a nap!

What does a brownie put on his bed?
A baking sheet!

Why are families like brownies?
They’re mostly sweet, but some have a few nuts!

What’s the best thing to put into a brownie?
Your teeth!

What is the chemical formula for the molecules in a brownie?
Carbon-Holmium-Cobalt-Lanthanum-Tellurium, or CHoCoLaTe!

Don’t bite off more than you can chew…
Unless it’s a chocolate brownie!

Why did the man only eat unbaked brownies?
They were just batter!

Why did the brownie take a day off school?
It was feeling crumby!

What did one brownie say to the other?
“You bake me so happy!”

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