20 Gluten Free Jokes That Go Against the Grain!
You'll barley be able to wheat for these funny gluten free jokes! All jokes, no wheat! Check them out and share them with your mates!
These gluten free jokes won't leave you bloated! And if you liked these, how about some Health and safety jokes? Or maybe you're in the mood for some ice cream jokes! We've also got some delicious Nacho cheese jokes! And you can find hundreds more laughs on our main jokes hub!
I keep eating bread even though I'm allergic...
I'm a gluten for punishment!

What should you do if you eat too much gluten?
Get bread rest!

Why are gluten free people so unique?
They really go against the grain!

What do Germans say to bread?
'Gluten tag!'

Did you hear about the gluten-free graveyard?
It was flourless!

I don't think much of people who are gluten free...
It's a silly act!

Is this gluten free?
No, it costs money!

What do you call gluten free spaghetti?
An impasta!

There's a new gluten free bakery opening near me...
I can barley wheat!

What do you call a cow that's gone gluten free?
A silly yak!

What do French celiacs call bread?
Le pain!

What do gluten free people have on their birthdays?
Rice cakes!

What do you go if you want a gluten free Halloween?
Trick, no wheat!

What do you call a gluten free joke?

Which animal is gluten intolerant?
A rye-noceros!

What do you call a woman who is Gluten intolerant?

What do you use to hold bread together?

Why was the celiac upset on Valentine's day?
She got flours!

What did the celiac say to their morning toast?
Bready or not, here I come!

What did the baker say to the celiac who fell in his mixture?
Get out of the whey!

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