20 Popcorn Jokes That Just Get Butter And Butter
Looking for some extra-corny popcorn jokes? These salty one-liners are good enough for the cinema!
They're sweet, they're salty, they get stuck in your teeth - it's popcorn! But whether you like eating them in the cinema or after dinner as part of a healthy balanced diet - popcorn is probably funnier than you realised! So tuck in to these extra crispy snack-sized popcorn puns and jokes!
Looking for more funny food stuff? Check out these oat milk jokes, these pomegranate jokes, or even these tasty scone jokes! Delicious!
What do you get with a bag of popcorn?
Free butterfingers!
What is popcorn's favourite movie?
In-the-pan-dance Day!
I don't like movie theater butter popcorn...
it leaves a film in my mouth!
Why did the popcorn want to press charges?
Because it was a-salt-ed!
Where do they grow popcorn?
In the mountains, because that’s where the ears are popping!
What does corn use to get on the internet?
The cobweb!
Who is the head of corn religion?
The pope corn!
Why did the manager fire the popcorn?
Cause he was sleeping on the cob!
Popcorn makes everything better
It's a-maize-ing like that!
I got thrown out of the cinema for throwing popcorn at the back of people's heads
I also lost my job behind the popcorn counter!
I wonder if the first person to pop popcorn suddenly had the urge to...
...Watch a movie!
Why is cheddar popcorn such a terrible joke?
It's both corny and cheesy!
What’s the highest rank in the popcorn army?
What did the popcorn kernel say when it found itself attached to another kernel?
I'm a little corn-fused!
I got fined $50 for sneaking popcorn and a drink into the movie theater
It's ok though, it still saved me money!
My local movie theater was robbed of almost $10,000
The thieves got away with three boxes of popcorn, two large sodas and a hotdog!
Who invented Popcorn Chicken?
Kernel Sanders!
It's awkward touching hands with someone in a popcorn bag
Especially if they don't know you're eating their popcorn!
My son has a great recipe for popcorn stuffed duck
He calls it Quacker Jacks!
What do unicorns call their dads?