Pretzel Jokes
These pretzels puns are perfect! Check them out and see which pretzel jokes you knead in your life! Are you bready?
Don't get it twisted, these pretzel jokes are the best out there! Are you bready for some silly pretzel puns? And if you liked these, how about some brilliant bread jokes? And dough-not worry if you need more - how about these delicious doughnut jokes? Or maybe you're in the mood for these cracking cake jokes? And if that's STILL not enough, don't despair! We've got hundreds more lols on our main jokes hub!
Why did the pretzel call the police?
He was a-salted!

What do you call a scared pretzel?
Afraid knot!

Why is it called a pretzel?
Because it's knot bread!

What do you call a bakery that only sells pretzels, doughnuts and bagels?
Hole Foods!

What happened when the detective accused a pretzel of murder?
It was an unexpected twist!

Why should ever bakery have pretzels?
They are always kneaded!

Why is nervous bread like a pretzel?
It's tied in knots!

I'm not sure you'll like this pretzel joke...
It's pretty twisted!

Why should you never be rude to a pretzel?
They get in-salted!

What did one pretzel say to the other?
'Don't be salty!'

Why did the baker make pretzels?
He kneaded the dough!

Want to hear a pretzel joke?
Never mind, it's a bit stale

How do you greet a pretzel?
'Gluten tag!'

What did the bread say to the pretzel?
'You're the best thing since me!'

What should give a pretzel for Valentine's day?

What do pretzels do when they need a job?
They join the bread line!

How do pretzels feel when they're sad?

What did the pretzel say to the bread?
'Don't be so kneady!'

How did pretzels first come to America?
On the Mayflour!

What's a pretzel's favourite dance move?
The twist!

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