20 Weekend Jokes To Cheer Up Sad-urday!
These funny weekend jokes will see you through to Friday! Check out these hilarious weekend jokes and turn sad-urday into Saturday!
These funny jokes all about the weekend are bound to make you chuckle, whatever day of the week it is! Check them out! And if you liked these, how about these funny morning jokes? Or how about these brilliant bed jokes? We've even got these super chill fridge jokes! STILL not enough lols? We've got hundreds more jokes right here!
What do squirrels do on the weekend?
Go nuts!

What does a burrito say at the end of the week?
That's a wrap!

Why should you always hang out with bees at the weekend?
The atmosphere is buzzing!

What does Ken do on the weekend?
He has a Barbie-que!

What did the bear do on the weekend?
Bear-ly anything!

What do cows do on the weekend?
They go to the moo-vies!

What did the tomato do at the weekend?
Ketchup on sleep!

Why was the fish lonely at the weekend?
There's no school at the weekend!

What do snails do on the weekend?
They take it slow!

What do bats do on the weekend?
They just hang!

What do chickens do on the weekend?
They have a peck-nic!

What do snowmen do on the weekend?
Chill out!

What's the worst thing you can say on the weekend?

When do toilets relax?
On the wee-kend!

Why do ghosts hate the weekend?
They get Saturday fright fever!

Why are Saturday and Sunday so strong?
All the other days are week days!

Why do caterpillars always look forward to Saturday?
They're always crawling towards the weekend!

What do cats do on the weekend?

I'm always sick on weekdays
It must be my weekend immune system!

Why was the gardener looking forward to the weekend?
They had loads of thyme on their hands!

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