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Ash Wednesday & Lent Jokes

These Ash Wednesday and Lent jokes are hilarious! Check them out and see which ones are your favourite, and which ones you'd prefer to give up!

You won't want to give up these jokes all about Ash Wednesday & Lent! We've put together 20 of the funniest jokes about this time of restriction! During Lent, people often try and give up things they enjoy, before celebrating Easter! Luckily, with these joke, you don't have abstain from laughing! And if you liked these, how about some egg-cellent Easter jokes! Or perhaps you'd prefer these hilarious Hot Cross Bun Jokes? We've even got some Brilliant Easter Bunny Jokes! And if that's STILL not enough, we've got hundreds more laughs on our main jokes hub!

I was going to give up meat for Lent...

But I couldn't quit cold turkey!

I'm giving up being cynical for Lent

We'll see how long that lasts!

I'm going to give up procrastination for Lent...


I gave up complaining for Lent..

It's the worst!

I'm going to give up spreadsheets next year before Easter...

It will be Exel-Lent!

I gave up cleaning the tumble-dryer before Easter...

For lint!

What plants should you give up before Easter?


Why is Rick Astley so bad at Lent?

He's never going to give you up!

This Lent...

I'm just giving up!

What's a Pokémon's favourite day before Easter?

Ash Wednesday!

What's like Ash Wednesday but hairier?

Tache Wednesday!

I'm giving up making jokes for Lent...

That's why there's no punchline!

I was going to give up go kart racing for Lent...

But I fell off the wagon!

Why can't you read a library book before Easter?

Because it's Lent!

I gave up calendars for Lent...

I'm not sure how many days I have left...

What's a tree's least favourite religious day?

Ash Wednesday!

What's the most appropriate food to eat before Easter?


Why should you run a marathon during Lent?

Because Lent is when you fast!

We decided not to eat any chicken products before Easter...

It was an egg shell Lent idea!

I'm determined not to break my promises to fast before Easter...

I'm going to be vigi-LENT!