Ball Jokes That Will Knock It Out The Park!
These ball jokes are not to be missed! See which sporty joke about ball games is your favourite - they're a real catch!
Will these ball jokes be a swing or a miss? Let's find out! We've put together twenty terrific jokes all about ball games! Which ones will you love, and which will go right over your head? Loved these! We've got loads more sports jokes right here! How about some brilliant bowling jokes? Or perhaps you're ready for some delightful dodgeball jokes? We've even got these glorious Gladiator jokes! And if that's STILL not enough, check out hundreds more jokes on our main jokes hub!
How do footballs travel?
By round-about!

Why don't tennis balls like noise?
They hate a racquet!

Why should you never fall in love with a tennis ball?
To them, love means nothing!

Why shouldn't you play basketball in a court?
The judge won't like it!

Why couldn't Cinderella get to the ball?
Her glass shoes kept getting stuck in the mud!

What did one football say to the other?
'See you round!'

I was shocked to discover I was a basketball
Really threw me!

I used to go out with a baseball player...
But he chucked me!

What did the baseball glove say to the ball?
Catch you later!

Why are basketball players such messy eaters?
They're always dribbling!

Why did the golfer wear two pairs of trousers?
In case he got a hole in one!

What can you serve but never eat?
A volleyball!

Why did the basketball player put the ball in a suitcase?
He travelled a lot!

Why was Cinderella so bad at team sports?
She kept running away from the ball!

Why was Cinderella so bad at football?
Her coach was a pumpkin!

Why are soccer, football and dodgeball the same game?
They're not, but they're in the same ballpark!

How do you know if a tennis player is upset?
They're balling their eyes out!

What do basketballs and doughnuts have in common?
They both get dunked!

What's a horse's favourite ball sport?
Stable tennis!

Why are bowling balls always so chill?
They just roll with it!

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