20 Loud and Proud Burp Jokes!
These burp jokes are so funny, you won't even need to be excused!
Hey, we all do it sometimes - so why not have a laugh at the same time? These burp jokes will make you laugh so hard, you might make yourself gassy! And if you're still in the mood for something disgusting, why not try our gross jokes? Or some carefully picked nose jokes, or maybe unroll these toilet paper jokes?
What do you call it when a princess burps?
Noble gas!

Did you hear about the man who burped in a lift?
It was gross on SO many levels!

What did the chicken say after burping?
“Eggs-cuse me!”

What’s the worst thing you can say after burping in public?
“Sorry everyone, it was supposed to be a fart!”

Oh sure, when the baby burps after eating it’s amazing…
But when I do it, I’m ruining Sunday lunch for everyone!

What’s invisible and smells like carrots?
A rabbit’s burp!

What’s invisible and smells like grass?
A cow’s burp!

Why are burps like books?
They’re better when you’re alone!

What happens when you burp and fart at the same time?
Your body takes a screenshot?

What happened to the guy who drank 8 cokes?
He burped 7 Up!

Two Australian birds burped in my face…
It did not emus me!

What did one burp say to the other burp?
“Let’s be stinkers and come out the other end!”

What do you call a breakfast food that burps?
A Belching waffle!

How do you know if a clown has burped?
It smells funny!

Why did the skeleton burp?
Because he didn't have the guts to fart!

What do you call a belching gunslinger?
Wyatt Burp!

What happens when the King burps?
He has to issue a royal pardon!

My special talent is that I can burp at Will…
He doesn’t appreciate it very much!

Did you hear about the ugliest man in the world?
When he burped, everyone though it was a fart!

Who’s the gassiest star of classic Hollywood?
Burp Reynolds!

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