Chicken Little Jokes
These Chicken Little jokes will give you a real cluckle...we mean chuckle! Check out these funny Chicken Little jokes and find out which one is your fave!
These Chicken Little jokes will give you a big laugh! Enjoy these funny Chicken Little jokes...before the sky falls on our heads! And if you liked these, check out more animal jokes here! We've got these ultimate unicorn jokes for fantasy fans, or how about these lol-worthy ladybird jokes? And of course, there's even more laughs on our main jokes page!
What is Chicken Little's least favourite activity?
Sky diving!

What wakes Chicken Little up?
An alarm cluck!

What's big, covered in feathers and worried the sky is going to fall?
Chicken Large!

What is Chicken Little's favourite vegetable?
An eggplant!

Why was the sky blue?
Chicken little didn't ask it how it was!

Did you hear the Chicken Little joke?
It'll really crack you up!

What direction does Chicken Little travel?

Why did Chicken Little cross the road?
To get to the other sky!

What is Chicken Little's least favourite bond film?

Who tells the best Chicken Little jokes?

What is Chicken Little's favourite school subject?

Why did Chicken Little cross the road?
To get to the other side!

What's Chicken Little's least favourite winter sport?

What did Chicken Little get when he was sick?
Human pox!

How do you get Chicken Little to look at your website?

What day is Chicken Little afraid of?

How does Chicken Little send letters?
In a henvelope!

What films does Chicken Little like to watch?
Chick flicks!

What do you get if you mix Chicken Little with cement?
A brick layer!

Where does Chicken Little live?

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