20 Chin Jokes To Make You Chortle
It's time for these charming chin jokes! Check out our 20 funny chin puns and see which ones you like the most!
Chin up! We've got some jaw-related puns to make you laugh! Check out these funny chin jokes and set your chin wagging! And if you liked these, how about some toe-tally hilarious foot jokes? Or how about these hairy funny beard jokes? Or you might be in the mood for some funny finger jokes? And of course, there's even MORE laughs on our main jokes hub!
What's on your face and is covered in soot?
A chin-ney!

Why did the hipster burn his chin?
He enjoyed tea before it was cool!

'Doctor, why does my chin hurt whenever I tap it?'
'Because you've broken your finger!'

What sort of food do chins like?

What sort of crockery can you use with your face?

Who's got a big jaw and a glass slipper?

I absorb my vitamins by rubbing them on my face
I take it on the chin!

What should you do if you feel sad in the gym?
Chin up!

I need to shave my chin...
So I'm organising a fund-razor!

Which animal is fluffy and has a big jaw?

What do you call a man with a red beard?

Why did the princess fall for the prince with a beard on his chin?
She wanted a hairy-tale ending!

Why do wizards kiss you under the chin?
Because they're neck-romancers!

I don't like milk pasteurized...
Just above my chin!

What do you call flowers that grow between your lips and your chin?

Which ocean creature has the biggest jaw?
A sea ur-chin!

Which monkey has the biggest jaw?
A chin-panzee!

What do you call a footballer's wife who gossips?
A chinwag!

Want to hear a joke about Jay Leno's chin?
Never mind, it's too long!

Which film features the scariest chin ever?

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