30 Magical Elf on the Shelf Jokes 2024!
These Elf on the Shelf jokes are sure to bring you good cheer! Check out these funny Elf on the Shelf jokes and see which ones make you giggle!
Make some room on the shelf for these very punny Elf on the Shelf jokes! And if you liked these, there's loads more Christmas jokes here! How about these delicious Christmas dinner jokes, or what about these grouchy Grinch jokes? We've even got these reindeer jokes that'll have you rotfl'ing! And find hundreds more on our jokes hub!
What's it called when the Elf on the Shelf is wearing a face mask?
Elf care!

What do you call a first aid kit next to the Elf on a Shelf?
Elf and safety!

Who is the Elf on the Shelf's favourite actor?
Holly Berry!

Why is the Elf always on the Shelf?
There's snow way he would go outside!

Where does the Elf on the Shelf go dancing?
The jingle ball!

What does the Elf on the Shelf wear on his head?
A bauble hat!

What does the Elf on the Shelf use when he's hiking?
A candy cane!

What's the Elf on the Shelf's dog called?
Santa Paws!

Why did the Elf on the Shelf have so many socks?
He was stocking up!

Why did the Elf on the Shelf have a sore throat?
He had tinselitis!

What do you call an Elf on the Shelf wearing a hi vis jacket?
Elf and safety!

Why should you look after your Elf on the Shelf?
To ensure their wELFare!

What do you call an Elf on the Shelf with an apple?
Elfy eating!

Why do Elves wear long pointy shoes?
To fit their long pointy feet!

How do you let your Elf on the Shelf know you've arrive?
Ring his jingle bell!

What did the Elf on the Shelf say to Rudolph?
I think it's going to reindeer!

Why did the Elf on them Shelf have a sore foot?
He had mistle-toe!

What do you call an Elf on the Shelf who tells jokes?
A real Christmas card!

Why doesn't the Elf on the Shelf have a boss?
He's elf employed!

Where does the Elf on the Shelf go dancing?
Jingle Balls!

What did the Elf on the Shelf dress up as for Halloween?

How do you know if there's an Elf on the Shelf in your fridge?
Pointy footprints in the butter!

What's the Elf on the Shelf's favourite Olympic event?
North Pole Vault!

What do you call a lift with an Elf on the Shelf in it?
An elfvator!

What food does the Elf on the Shelf eat?

What sports does the Elf on the Shelf play?

Why was the Elf on the Shelf so cold?
Because it's Decemberrrrr

How many Elves on the Shelf does it take to change a lightbulb?
10. 1 to change it, 9 to stand on each others shoulders!

What sort of bread does the Elf on the Shelf eat?

What should you do if you're an Elf on the Shelf and you want to use a computer?
First, YULE LOG in!

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