20 Gleefully Mischievous Gremlin Jokes!
We've whipped up a special batch of Gremlin-themed jokes - laughs guaranteed!
Who can't relate to Gremlins? They're super cute, but whatever you do make sure you don't get on their bad side! Luckily these jokes will have you laughing so much your bad side will be nowhere in sight! And if you're still hungry for more, check out the rest of our jokes! Why not have a laugh at ghosts, witches and zombies?
What’s the best thing to give a seasick gremlin?
Plenty of room!

Why did the gremlin eat a torch?
He wanted a light snack!

What do gremlins read every morning?
Their horror-scope!

What should you do with a green gremlin?
Wait until it's ripe!

What is a gremlin’s favourite type of bean?
A human bean!

Do gremlins eat popcorn with their fingers?
No, they eat the fingers separately!

Did you know gremlins can grow up to twelve feet?
Luckily they usually only have two!

Why was there no food left at the end of the gremlin party?
Because everyone was a goblin!

What is a gremlin’s favourite book?
Hairy Potter!

What do you say when you meet a two-headed gremlin?
"Hello, hello!"

What is a gremlin’s favourite Star Wars series?
The Bad Batch!

What did the gremlin eat after having his teeth out?
The dentist!

What car does a gremlin drive?
A furr-ari!

What game do gremlins like to play?
Hide and shriek!

What is a gremlin’s favourite cheese?

Did you hear about the gremlin who lost his left arm and left leg?
Don’t worry, he’s all right now!

What’s a gremlin’s favourite dinner?

What do you call a vampire gremlin?
A haemo-goblin!

What’s the difference between a gremlin and a hobbit?
You MUST feed a hobbit after midnight!

What do you call a small gremlin?
His name!

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