20 Wheely Funny Hot Wheels Jokes!
These super speedy Hot Wheels jokes are wheely good fun!
Get ready for laughter at a high speed! These Hot Wheels jokes will have you in stitches - you're on track for huge laughs! Don't forget to try some of our Hot Wheels quizzes - why not see how well you know Hot Wheels, or find out which Hot Wheels: Let's Race character you are!
Did you hear about the Hot Wheels car made out of sausages?
It was a banger!

What is a Hot Wheels car’s favourite meal?

What do you call a burger-themed Hot Wheels car?
Fast food!

What do you do with your Hot Wheels when they break?
Retire them!

How do Hot Wheels keep going?
They work tirelessly!

What do you get if you cross a potato with a Hot Wheels car?
Crashed potatoes!

What do you get if you cross a kangaroo with a Hot Wheels car?
A jump start!

Why did the boy bring a ladder to play with his Hot Wheels?
He wanted to take the high road!

What sound does a witch themed Hot Wheels car make?
Broom broom!

What kind of driver will you need when your Hot Wheels car breaks?
A screwdriver!

What happened to the Hot Wheels car made of wood?
It wooden go!

What do you get when dinosaurs play with Hot Wheels?
Tyrannosaurus Wrecks!

Why can’t you play football with your Hot Wheels?
They’ve only got one boot!

Why can’t a Hot Wheels car that’s been cut in half race anymore?
It’s two tyred!

Why did the man drive his car across lava?
He wanted Hot Wheels!

What do you call a Mexican Hot Wheels fan convention?
A Ford Fiesta!

I bought a Wonder Woman themed Hot Wheels car…
The box was empty!

What do you call a Gordon Ramsey themed Hot Wheels car?
A Chef-rolet!

What do you call a Yoda themed Hot Wheels car?
A Toy Yoda!

What do you get if your car's heating is on full blast?
Hot Wheels!

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