20 House Jokes That Will Make You Feel At Home!
They say there’s no place like home – and these hilarious house jokes will have you laughing like you’ve never laughed before!
Home is where the heart is – and these house jokes will have you laughing heartily! Get through the front door and make yourself at home, because this page of jokes is the place to be! We’ve got LOADS more jokes for you when you’ve finished reading – have some jokes about roofs, jokes about the seaside, and jokes about bus drivers!
Why did the house go to the doctor?
It was having window panes!

Why couldn’t the clownfish buy a house?
He didn’t have an-e-mone!

What’s an ig?
A snow house with no bathroom!

How does a hen leave her house?
Through the eggs-it!

I just bought a house in Liverpool…
It’s 2 up, 5 down!

What happened to the man when thieves broke into his house and stole every lightbulb?
He was delighted!

My housemates think our house is haunted, and I don’t get it…
I’ve lived here for 300 years and I’ve never noticed anything!

It’s hard to describe the poisonous roof on my house…
But I try asbestos I can!

Do you want to hear a roof joke?
It’s on the house!

What do you call a pirate who designs houses?
An ARRRRRRRchitect!

Which pasta is always getting locked out of the house?

Did you hear about the rabbit who refused to leave her house?
She was having a bad hare day!

Which room of the house will never be haunted?
The living room!

What do you call a guy lying in front of your house?

What do you call two witches who share a house?
Broom mates!

How do T-Rexs build houses?
With a dino-saw!

Which insect can jump higher than a house?
Any of them – houses can’t jump!

How did the computer get out of the house?
He used Windows!

Did you hear about the monster who ate his own house?
He was homesick!

What does a house wear?

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