Joe King's Giant Joke Quiz
Think you're a champion joker? See how many of these epic jokes you know!

The Ultimate Jokes Quiz
1/15 Who was in charge of the pencil case?
2/15 What is the stupidest animal in the jungle?
3/15 What kind of bagel can fly?
4/15 Why did the picture go to jail?
5/15 What kind of music do planets like?
6/15 What's blue and has big ears?
7/15 What do hedgehogs like with their fish and chips?
8/15 What do clouds wear under their clothes?
9/15 Why is it hard to have a conversation with a goat?

How does a farmer count his animals?
11/15 Why don't trees like puzzles?
12/15 What do bees chew?
13/15 Why did the bird go to the hospital?
14/15 Who climbs down chimneys to bring presents for your dog?
15/15 What is Santa's sister called?

Perfect score! You win the world!*Terms and Conditions apply. *You do not now own the world. Your mum will be very proud of you, though.

You've let me down. You've let Beano down. Worst of all, you've et yourself down. Get back in there and try again! 🙂

Not bad, but we know you can do better next time! Get back in there and show that quiz who's boss!