Joe King’s Monster Joke Quiz
Think you're a champion joker? See how many of these awesome jokes you know!

The Ultimate Jokes Quiz
1/15 What nails do carpenters hate to hit?
2/15 What do you call a pig with a black belt in karate?
3/15 Why do bees have sticky hair?
4/15 Where do cows go on Saturday night?

Why did Smiffy run around his bed?
6/15 What's black and white, black and white, black and white?
7/15 Why do cows wear bells?
8/15 Where do library books like to sleep?
9/15 Why do spiders use google?
10/15 What is the shortest month?
11/15 What do cows use in text messages?
12/15 What's the best way to organise an outer space party?
13/15 What do you eat when you're cold and angry?
14/15 How does a train eat?
15/15 What’s the most famous fish?

You got a perfect score! You're a joke ninja!

You win the whole world (apart from Canada, because you didn't quite make it to 100%)!

OUCH! Maybe you should try again, using this handy cheat code...