Kiwi Jokes That Are Fruitfully Good!
Have a chuckle with these very punny kiwi jokes! We've put together 20 of the best kiwi puns out there for you and your pals to enjoy! Which one is your favourite?
These kiwi jokes will make your mates green with envy! Or maybe they'll get a fuzzy feeling...either way, check out these silly kiwi puns! Liked these? We've got LOADS more fruit jokes! How about some silly strawberry jokes? Or what about these irresistible raisin jokes? Perhaps you'd prefer some zesty lime jokes? And if you're looking for even more lols, check out hundreds more jokes on our main jokes hub!
Why are kiwis so good at tennis?
They're seeded!

What did the egg say to the kiwi?
'I see you haven't shaved today!'

Which fruit has two eyes?
A kiwi!

I just ate a kiwi...
The zookeeper was NOT happy!

What's green and wears a bowtie?
Kiwi Herman!

Why is a kiwi fruit like a meadow?
They've both got hairs all over!

What did one kiwi say to the other?
'You give me that warm, fuzzy feeling!'

What's green, does ballet and is delicious?
A kiwi Pavlova!

What does fruit do for fun?

Why are kiwis green?
Because they're jealous of bananas!

What did the kiwi say to the apple?
'Orange you glad to see me?'

I hate kiwis
They're not a-peeling!

What's green, fuzzy and can kill you?
A kiwi with a grudge!

I think I remember kiwi fruit...
My memory is a bit fuzzy

What does a kiwi and someone who's missed their plane have in common?
They're both flightless!

What sort of fruit do you find in the loo?
A ki-wee!

What did the blueberry say to the kiwi?
I love you berry much!

What did one kiwi fruit say to the other?
You have the kiwi to my heart!

How did the kiwi propose to the strawberry?
With a ring of pineapple!

Why are there so many kiwis on boats?
They're full of vitamin sea!

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