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34 Love Jokes for Kids Which Are Totally Adorable

Share a laugh with someone with these funny jokes about love and romance!

If you still need your funny bone tickling after making your way through these funny love jokes ... never fear! The Beano Joke Generator is here for all your comedy needs. 

Maybe you want something for that special someone? Try our Valentine's Day jokes!

Did you hear about the octopuses that were in love?

They went about arm in arm in arm in arm

What do giraffes love in springtime?


What did the strawberry say to the rapsberry?

'I love you berry much!'

1 and 2 fell in love.

2 said, you're the only one for me!

What did the prince say to Ariel?

We were mermaid for each other!

Why did bread break up with margerine?

For a butter love!

2 blood cells met and fell in love...

Alas, it was all in vein!

Which day is the worst to propose on?

April Fools' Day!

Carbon and hydrogen went on a date.

I heard they really bonded!

How do you know if two slimes are in love?

They're practically glued together!

Why did the robot marry his partner?

He couldn't resistor!

What does a heartbroken LEGO person say?

I'm falling to pieces!

What do two LEGO people in love say?

Never LEGO!

How do you propose with a helium balloon?

You pop the question!

What's the best part of a bee relationship?

The HONEYmoon period!

Two television aerials met on a roof, fell in love an got married.

The ceremony wasn’t great but the reception was fantastic!

Knock, knock! Who's there? Al. Al who?

Al give you a kiss if you open the door!

Why should you never break up with a footballer?

Because they're keepers!

Why should you never marry a tennis player?

Because, to them, love means nothing!

What do squirrels give each other on Valentine's Day?


What happened when the candle went dating?

It found the perfect match!

What did one light bulb say to the other light bulb on Valentine’s Day?

I love you watts and watts!

What did the caveman give his Valentine?

Ugs and kisses!

What do you call a small Valentine's Day card?

A Valen-tiny!

What do farmers give their partners on Valentine's Day?

Hogs and kisses!

This Valentine's Day I expect to be inundated!

Sorry, I meant: in, undated!

What did one pig say to the other on Valentine's Day?

Don't go bacon my heart!

What happened when the TV aerials got married?

They had a great reception!

Why don't people get married in igloos?

In case they get cold feet!

Why do boats go on dates?

They're looking for row-mance!

Who did Dracula go on a date with?

His ghoul-friend!

Why did the magnet go on lots of dates?

He was very attractive!

Why did the boa constrictors get married?

They had a crush on each other!

What do you call two birds in love?


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