20 Tall Jokes To Keep You On Your Toes
Get your head out of the clouds and have a chuckle at this high-larious collection of tall jokes!
It doesn't matter if you're tall or short, big or small - if you're reading this you're perfect just the way you are. But that doesn't mean we can't all laugh at a few thigh-slappingly good jokes about being tall! So read on if high-level hilarity is your cup of tea!
But if you prefer your jokes a little more down to earth... just take a peek at these wonderful worm jokes, these incredible insect gags, or even these these exceedingly silly snail jokes! Oh, and if you'd like to try something a little different, these amazing crab facts are pretty good in a pinch!
Ok - back to the tall jokes!
Did you hear about the world’s biggest stack of pancakes?
It was a tall order!

Why are tall people so smart?
Nothing goes over their heads!

Why do people never believe giraffes?
Because they tell tall tales!

What did the tall person say to the short person?

Inside every short person…
Is a very uncomfortable tall person!

What did the Dr say about the tall person who was rushing?
Please be a little patient!

Why are tall people so condescending?
Because they always look down on you!

If your students are too tall, just go into a brighter room
Your pupils will get smaller!

What lives in the woods, has a curly tail and is really tall?

Why are tall people always so well rested?
Because they sleep longer in bed!

I have a new girlfriend who is very thin, tall and has a bright red head
We met on Match.com!

Why are the Dutch so tall?
So they can keep their heads above sea level!

What’s a tall person’s worst fear?
Ceiling fans!

What does a tall person do when they see an aeroplane coming?

Why do tall people struggle as comedians?
Their jokes go over people’s heads!

Did you hear about the giraffe who ordered a hat off the internet?
It was a tall order!

Why are gnomes so honest?
They don’t like telling tall tales!

Why did the teenager look up to their teacher?
They were really tall!

Once upon a time, there was a king who was only 12 inches tall
He was a terrible king, but he made a great ruler!

What do skiers wear to seem taller?
Ski lifts!

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