Taxi Jokes You Can Always Call On!
These taxi jokes have been hailed as some of the best out there! We've put together 20 of the best taxi jokes just for you - that's pretty fare, right?
Taxi! We've got 20 jokes all about taxis that you cab not believe! Check them out and decide which one are excellent and which ones are just fare-ly good! And if you liked this, check out these delightful dinosaur jokes! Or how about these marvellous marathon jokes? We've even got these dreadful dad jokes! And if that's still not enough, we've got hundreds more jokes on our main jokes hub!
Why did the taxi driver go to the doctors?
He was always dealing with congestion!

Why couldn't the platypus pay the taxi driver?
He only had a one dollar bill!

What's got four wheels and pays HMRC?
A taxi!

What unit of measurement do taxi drivers use?

I was 20 mins late for my interview to be a taxi driver...
I got hired on the spot!

What's a taxi driver's favourite wine?
A cab-ernet!

Where do taxi drivers go for skin problems?
The taxi-dermist!

What's worse than raining cats and dogs?
When its hailing taxis!

Why did the taxi driver lose his job?
He kept driving his customers away!

What do you call a London taxi full of teenagers?
An acne carriage!

I love being a taxi driver
I can really see myself going places!

Why didn't the taxi driver pick up the bags of crisps?
They were walkers!

What did the taxi driver say to the monster who got in his cab?

Why are taxi drivers annoying on roundabouts?
Because they're driving you round the bend!

Why did the fridge call a taxi?
It was tired of running!

I got charged £20 by a taxi driver to go to the laundrette...
I've been taken to the cleaners!

Why did the taxi driver quit?
He was sick of people talking behind his back!

What's a taxi driver's favourite vegetable?
A cab-bage!

Why was the taxi driver so bad at his job?
He always went the extra mile!

What do you call it when two taxi drivers fall in love?
A fare-y tale come true!

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