20 Trick or Treat Jokes That Are 100% treat
These trick or treat jokes are such spooky fun they're worth opening the door for! Check them out and choose one to use next time you go trick or treating!
Knock knock, who's there? It's 20 very punny Halloween trick or treat jokes! Are you ready for some spooky giggles! We've put together some of the funniest Halloween jokes for you to try out next time you go trick or treating! And if you liked this, check out more Halloween jokes here! Or how about these giggly worthy graveyard jokes? Or maybe you'll like these mischievous mummy jokes? And check out these silly but scary jokes, if you're brave enough!
What kind of treat should you give a ghost?
Ice scream!

What's a vampire's favourite fruit?
A neck-tarine!

Which room do ghosts not need?
A living room!

What do scarecrows hand out at Halloween?

Why are ghosts so bad at lying?
You can see right through them!

Where do you go if you're trick or treating a zombie?
The dead end of the street!

What happened when the twin witches went trick or treating?
No one could tell which witch is which!

Why did the monster give out Joe Wicks to trick or treaters?
He thought they'd like a healthy snack!

Why did the monster give out lightbulbs at Halloween?
He thought they'd make a light snack!

What do birds say at Halloween?
Trick or tweet!

What goes around and around a haunted house?
A fence!

What did one owl say to the other?
Happy owl-o-ween!

Where do ghosts buy their Halloween treats?
At the ghost-ery store!

Who did Frankenstein's monster go trick or treating with?
His ghoul-friend!

What do ghosts eat for supper?

Who gives out cornflakes at Halloween?
Cereal killers!

What sort of candy do you give a trick or treating ghost?
Boo-berry flavour!

Why was the skeleton afraid to cross the road?
It had no guts!

What should you give a trick or treating vampire?

Why didn't the skeleton go trick or treating?
He had no body to go with!

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