25 Number Jokes For The Mathematically Minded!
Looking for the funniest number jokes out there? You can count on Beano.com for guaranteed laughs!
Enjoy some guaranteed hilarity with these numerous number jokes!
When your finished laughing at these, get giggling at some merry maths jokes, comical chemistry jokes or be flabbergasted with some funny physics jokes!
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Why can’t a nose be 12 inches long?
Because then it would be a foot!

Why did Pi fail its driving test?
It just didn't know when to stop!

Which king loved fractions?
Henry the 1/8!

Do you know what’s really odd?
Every other number!

Did you hear about the genius circle?
It had 360 degrees!

What do you call a maths teacher who leads a group of rats out of your town?
The Pi Piper!

My pet snake is exactly 3.14m long...
Its a π-thon!

There are three types of people in the world...
Those who can count, and those who can't!

What has 6 wheels and flies?
A garbage truck!

If you had 4 apples and 5 oranges in one hand and 6 apples and 7 oranges in the other, what would you have?
Very large hands!

What would a clock look like with no numbers?

Why is the number 22 so good at dancing?
It has tu tus!

My friend asked me to round up 37 sheep...
I said 40!

What did 0 say to 8?
Nice belt!

Why was 9 scared of 7?
Because 7 ate 9!

1 and 2 fell in love.
2 said, you're the only one for me!

You know what's odd?
Every other number!

Why did the Star Wars movies come out in the sequence 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3?
Because in charge of sequence, Yoda was!

A Roman walks into a cafe...
They hold up 2 fingers and say,"I'll have 5 coffees, please!

19 and 20 got into an argument...

How do you make 7 an even number?
Take out the s!

I got into a fight with 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9...
The odds were against me!

Did you hear about the mathematician who's afraid of negative numbers?
He will stop at nothing to avoid them!

There are two reasons you shouldn't drink from the toilet.
Number one and number two!

Why is it getting harder to buy Advent calendars?
Their days are numbered!

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