Pokémon Gen 1 Quiz!
What did the the first generation Pokémon evolve into? Think you know? Test your knowledge!
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What did Zubat evolve into?
What did Ivysaur evolve into?
What did Pidgey evolve into?
What did Psyduck evolve into?
What did Haunter evolve into?
Nintendo | Creatures | Game Freak | Giphy
What did Bulbasaur evolve into?
Nintendo | Creatures | Game Freak | Giphy
What did Charmander evolve into?
Nintendo | Creatures | Game Freak | Giphy
What did Squirtle evolve into?
Nintendo | Creatures | Game Freak | Giphy
What did Caterpie evolve into?
Nintendo | Creatures | Game Freak | Giphy
What did Sandshrew evolve into?
Nintendo | Creatures | Game Freak | Giphy
What did Nidorina evolve into?
Nintendo | Creatures | Game Freak | Giphy
What did Vulpix evolve into?
Nintendo | Creatures | Game Freak | Giphy
What did Oddish evolve into?
Nintendo | Creatures | Game Freak | Giphy
What did Igglybuff evolve into?
Nintendo | Creatures | Game Freak | Giphy
What did Weedle evolve into?
Nintendo | Creatures | Game Freak
Amazing! A true Pokémon fan from the very beginning, you really know your stuff! Well done!
Nintendo | Creatures | Game Freak
Pretty good! Not perfect, but you certainly know your way around early Pokémon... why not retake the quiz and beat your score?
Nintendo | Creatures | Game Freak
Not so hot! Although a long way from terrible, you could do better. Pokémon down and retake the quiz to improve your score!
Nintendo | Creatures | Game Freak
Oh dear! More like NO-kemon. You need to up your game! Why not retake the quiz and improve your score?