Pokémon Gen 1 Quiz!
What did the the first generation Pokémon evolve into? Think you know? Test your knowledge!
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What did Zubat evolve into?
What did Ivysaur evolve into?
What did Pidgey evolve into?
What did Psyduck evolve into?
What did Haunter evolve into?
What did Bulbasaur evolve into?
What did Charmander evolve into?
What did Squirtle evolve into?
What did Caterpie evolve into?
What did Sandshrew evolve into?
What did Nidorina evolve into?
What did Vulpix evolve into?
What did Oddish evolve into?
What did Igglybuff evolve into?
What did Weedle evolve into?
Amazing! A true Pokémon fan from the very beginning, you really know your stuff! Well done!
Pretty good! Not perfect, but you certainly know your way around early Pokémon... why not retake the quiz and beat your score?
Not so hot! Although a long way from terrible, you could do better. Pokémon down and retake the quiz to improve your score!
Oh dear! More like NO-kemon. You need to up your game! Why not retake the quiz and improve your score?