7 Facts You Need to Know about LEGO!
Check out these interesting facts
1. LEGO as we know it was created in 1958. Before that the company made wooden toys and toy cars.
The name LEGO comes from the Danish phrase “leg godt” meaning “play well”
2. If you have eight 2x4 bricks, there are a lot of different ways you can combine them. In fact, there are 915 million different ways.
That’s… That’s so many ways
3. More than 4 billion minifigs have been made since they were introduced in 1978. That sounds like a lot until you realise that over 560 billion bricks have been made!
5 HUNDRED AND 60 BILLION! 560,000,000,000! So many zeroes!
4. Every year, across everyone in the world, over 5 billion hours are spent playing with LEGO
Half of that must be on Christmas afternoon alone!