Ultimate A Christmas Carol Quiz
Can you ace this Christmas Carol quiz or are you a bit of a humbug?
If you love this classic festive story of what can happen if you're too mean to people in your life, then take our 20 question quiz below! For more quizzes, head to our quizzes hub page, or if you fancy playing a game, visit our games hub page!

Who is dead at the start of the story?

How is Fred connected to Scrooge?

What's Scrooge's favourite phrase?

What does Scrooge think should happen to people who say 'Merry Christmas'?

How much time does Bob Cratchit ask for at Christmas?

How does Jacob Marley appear to Scrooge?

Why is Jacob Marley covered in chains?

What does the Ghost of Christmas Past carry with them?

Why is Scrooge sad about the past?

What is the Ghost of Christmas Present wearing?

What does Scrooge ask the ghost about Tiny Tim?

Who does the Ghost of Christmas Present introduce to Scrooge?

What does the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come say to Scrooge?

What has happened to Tiny Tim in the future, according to the Ghost?

What does Scrooge's servant sell to the rag and bone man?

Who's name is on the tombstone the ghost shows Scrooge?

What happens after this?

What does Scrooge ask the boy in the street to fetch him?

How does Scrooge change after his experience?

What's the last line in the book?

It's a Christmas miracle! You're the number one Christmas Carol expert!

Well done! You obviously love this book and know it pretty well!

You know a little bit about this fantastic book, but you could score higher! Have another go!

Oh no! Looks like you're a bit of a Scrooge! Never mind, go and read the book and then have another go!