A Series of Unfortunate Events Quiz
Lemony Snicket, Author of A Series of Unfortunate Events, wrote: "There is no such thing as a happy ending..." but then he'd never finished an epic Beano quiz.
What Series of Unfortunate Events came first?
2/10 Who wrote the Series of Unfortunate Events books?
What rainbow colour is the name of one of the Beaudelaire orphans?
Which Beaudelaire orphan is named after a type of weather?
What are all the orphans allergic to?
Which is the fake A Series of Unfortunate Events book?
What is the name of the main villain in A Series of Unfortunate Events?
What actor has played the main villain in the TV Series?
Which creepy real-life author is the banker in A Series of Unfortunate Eventsnamed after?
10/10 Uncle Monty is a herpetologist. What does a herpetologist keep?
A Series of Unfortunate Events | Paramount Television | Netflix
The Repulsive Result. Remember: "What you don't read is often as important as what you do read" as Lemony Snicket wrote. So why don't you get a copy out of your local library ASAP?
A Series of Unfortunate Events | Paramount Television | Netflix
The Mediocre Mark. You've scored fairly well and can be somewhat congratulated.
A Series of Unfortunate Events | Paramount Television | Netflix
The Splendid Score. You're a top level Series of Unfortunate Events fan. Now it's time to write your own best-selling series.