This Annoying Orange Trivia Quiz Will Get On Your Nerves!
Do you love Annoying Orange? Let's see if you can you handle this hilariously irritating fruity Youtube quiz!
Gah! He's so annoying! But whether you love or hate this irritating orange and his fruity friends, this is the place to test your trivia skills! So get ready to splat, slice and squish your quiz skills as we find out how much you REALLY know about Annoying Orange!
Ready to see how you'll do? Let's get going!

Which of these things does Annoying Orange say?

What usually happens to orange at the end of each video?

Who is Orange's best friend?

Marshmallow is... what?

Who does Orange have a crush on?

Orange has a... what?

What is Little Apple's catchphrase?

Who is the genius inventor?

Annoying Orange started as a web series, and... what else?

Annoying Orange always releases loads of new videos for Halloween. What is this called?

Nooo! This is not your best score! So embarrassing! Yo'd better have another go, and quick! Before Orange starts shouting and screaming again! If yo'd rather snaek off at this point we don't blame you - we have lots of other great quizzes to try!

Pretty good! This score isn't half bad! You clearly know a few things about Annoying Orange and his mates! Nice work! You can probably score a bit higher than this on a different quiz though if you fancy - can we tempt you with another go?

Woooo! Nice! This is a great score! You know loads about Annoying Orange! Well done! You almost got 100% - amazing! Do you know which questions you got wrong? Try a different quiz and see if you can beat this score!

Wahoo! Amazing! 100%! This is a perfect score! Not a single question wrong! Well done - now that you've mastered Annoying Orange, can you score 100% on a different Youtuber quiz? Let's find out!