Archive: Beano Annual 1960
Take a peek inside this 1960’s annual, filled with classic comic strips and adventure stories!
1960 Beano Annual
Annuals were designed and printed up to 18 months in advance, as well as going on sale the previous year. This 1960 annual would have arrived for Christmas 1959, having been designed in 1958, at Beano’s 20th Birthday.

Have a shot at puzzle corner
Puzzle pages didn’t always make regular appearances in annuals. This early example has lots of activities bunched across two pages, and are a mix of logic and written puzzles.

Jonah Ahoy!
The world’s worst sailor makes his first appearance in the 1960 Beano Annual. Jonah was a staple of the weekly comic and annuals,

Click here to see all the Beano annuals from the 1960’s!