Archive: Beano Annual 1999
Take a peek inside this 1990’s annual, filled with classic comic strips and adventure stories!
1999 Beano Annual
The design of this cover is more graphic than the scenes of recent Beano Book covers. The reverse cover is the same as the front, unlike the two-part gag covers of many other Beano annuals.

Welcome to the Beano Book!
The final book of the decade opens with this introductory rhyme – half table of contents, half thank-you to the readers, it gives a great sneak peek at the pages to come!

If I had my own annual…
Were you Crazy for Daisy?
This strip tied with Tim Traveller in the 1997 Comic Idol poll, as voted on by readers! Crazy for Daisy went on to run for over a decade.
Comic Idol Runner up…
Camp Cosmos was the runner up in the 1997 Comic Idol competition, but managed to get a one-off appearance in the 1999 Beano annual.

A Bash Street Text Adventure
Text stories like Castle Hassle regularly appeared in the Bash Street Kids and Dennis the Menace annuals, but rarely in the flagship Beano Book.
Check out more archive annuals from the 90’s!