Test Your Joke Skillz With Joe King’s Giant Joke Quiz!
Think you're a champion joker? See how many of these epic jokes you know!

The Ultimate Jokes Quiz
1/15 What do you call cheese that doesn't belong to you?
2/15 What do elves learn in school?
3/15 Why do bananas wear sunscreen?
4/15 Why do fish live in salt water?
5/15 What do you call an elephant in a phonebox?
6/15 What do cows read in the morning?
7/15 What's orange and sounds like a parrot?
8/15 What happens when an egg hears a joke?
9/15 Why did the bread go to the doctor?

Why should you never tell a joke when ice-skating?
11/15 What do you call a fake lasagne?
12/15 Why did the man eat yeast and shoe polish before he went to bed?
13/15 What's the difference between a guitar and a fish?
14/15 Did you hear about the salad race?
15/15 What is it called when a cat wins a dog show?

Perfect score! You win the world! Terms and Conditions apply. You do not now own the world. But your mum will be very proud.

You've let me down. You've let Beano down. Worst of all, you've et yourself down. Get back in there and try again!

Not bad, but we know you can do better next time! Get back in there and show that quiz who's boss!