Personality Quiz: Are You More Sea Monkeys or Aqua Dragons?
These mysterious mini pets spring to life when you put their eggs in water, but which kind is most like you? Finish this fishy quiz to find out!

What's your favourite undersea snack?

asmodeegames | giphy
Hats on or hats off?

Who are these two good-looking fish?

What would you rather?

How funny is this joke: What do you call a monkey with a banana in each ear?Anything you want, she can't hear you!

If you had a tail, what would you use it for?

How funny is this joke? What is the difference between St George and Santa’s reindeer? One slays a dragon, the others are draggin' a sleigh.
8/9 Pick a fish tank:

What do you have planned for the weekend?

SeaMonkeysSM | Twitter
You may just be shrimp from a bag, but you're a real monkey when it comes to mucking around! Also, you've got a real thing for jokes about bananas. Typical Sea Monkey!

AquaDragons | Twitter
Like a fierce fire-breathing lizard, you like things to be hot - even the water you swim in! But while boiling temperatures make you tick, you're really a pretty cool character.