Brush Up On Your Old Masters With Our Awesome Art History Quiz!
Test your art history knowledge with this awesome quiz!
From cave paintings to the most modern of the modern artworks, there's been a LOT of art. Have you kept up with it all? There's only one way to find out - take this quiz!
If art is your thing, you should take a peek at this art and literature quiz, find out what artwork you'll make - or for something a bit different, see if we can guess your music taste from these quiz questions!
Ok, let's get arting!

Who painted this famous lady?

Which famous artist painted this picture?

Which famous Mexican artist owned these dresses?

Which country is considered the birthplace of the Renaissance?

What's the name of this statue by Auguste Rodin?

Which fruit did surrealist Rene Magritte paint in front of a man's face?

Which art movement did Salvador Dali belong to?

This is a painting of Anne of Cleves by Hans Holbein - but which famous King was she married to?

In Botticelli's painting 'The Birth of Venus' what is Venus standing on?

What's the name of the most famous painting by Austrian artist Gustav Klimt?

Woah! This unicorn is very impressed, and he's Professor of Art at Art University! You have some seriously great art history knowledge, well done!

Nice one! You clearly like art and you know quite a bit about it's history! Even this cool pug is impressed

You know a couple of things about art history, but there's loads more to learn - why not take the quiz again and see if you can improve? This doggo believes in you!

Uh oh - you can't tell Vincent Van Gogh from Vin Diesel. Nevermind - try the quiz again and maybe you'll learn something new! This Llama is rooting for you!