What's Your ATEEZ Bias?
It's time to find out which member of ATEEZ owns your loyalty! This quiz will sort you into your perfect bias!
If you're the biggest ATINY out there, you've got to have an ATEEZ bias! This quiz will carefully match your personality to your perfect bias. Maybe you already know it - or maybe it'll be a total surprise! Either way, fun is guaranteed! Don't forget to try some of our other KPop quizzes - see which STAYC member would be your bestie, or find out your TXT bias!

Which starsign calls to you?

Choose a colour!

Which activity sounds the most fun?

Which animal is your favourite?

Pick a film genre!

Which ice-cream flavour sounds amazing?

Pick another Kpop band!

Which country would you love to visit?

How would you describe your role in the friend group?

Pick a flower!

You're Hongjoong! You're a natural leader, and you're also smart, funny and talented at EVERYTHING! You're also probably the dad of your friend group, and you care about your friends SO much!

You're Seonghwa! You're cool, fun, and a real hard worker! You're also kind of a mom friend, which is awesome - everyone needs someone to go to when they feel sad!

You're Yunho! You're funny, super loyal, and did we mention you're funny? You're also really talented in your chosen field - whether it's dancing, music, writing or gaming, you're the absolute best!

You're Yeosang! You're fun, free-spirited and you like to do things your own way! You're also multi-talented, and all your friends love you because you're so supportive!