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Darth Vader, Rey and Baby Yoda

20 Question Star Wars Trivia Quiz

How strong is the force in you? Let's test your Jedi skills with this intergalactic quiz!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024
Scored 100%
Lucasfilm | Disney

In the original Star Wars trilogy, who is the only character who is NOT a Jedi, but briefly uses a lightsaber?

Lucasfilm | Disney

Who is this guy? 

Lucasfilm | Disney

How many languages does C-3PO claim to be able to speak?

Lucasfilm | Disney

At the beginning of Rogue One a new Trooper is introduced - what are they called? 

Lucasfilm | Disney

In which Star Wars film does Yoda have a lightsaber duel with Count Dooku?

Lucasfilm | Disney

Who is the captain of the modified patrol and attack craft known as Slave 1?

Lucasfilm | Disney

How does Han Solo respond when Leia tells him that she loves him?

Lucasfilm | Disney

Luke's Uncle Owen runs what sort of business? 

Lucasfilm | Disney

Who is Han Solo's old friend who greets him when he lands in Cloud City? 

Lucasfilm | Disney

In the original 1977 Star Wars movie A New Hope, Darth Vader only appears onscreen for 12 minutes in TOTAL. True or false?

Lucasfilm | Disney

What is Darth Tyranus otherwise known as? 

Lucasfilm | Disney

In the Battle of Naboo who did Obi-Wan Kenobi defeat? 

Lucasfilm | Disney

In The Rise of Skywalker, who says “I know what I have to do, but I don't know that I have the strength to do it”?

Lucasfilm | Disney

What is the type of cephalopod creature that lives in the Death Star's garbage compactor?

Lucasfilm | Disney

What creature can be seen roasting on a spit in the very first episode of The Madalorian? 

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Which large carnivorous cephalopods are native to the planet Twon Ketee? 

Lucasfilm | Disney

Which Wookiee Jedi Master is able to sense the future?

Lucasfilm | Disney

What is the last thing that Darth Vader ever says to Luke Skywalker? 

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What is Wookie bounty hunter Snoova's nickname? 


What is the name of the red ocean planet featured in the Star Wars Holiday Special? 

Lucasfilm | Disney

Amazing! Like Chewbacca in A New Hope, you absolutely deserve a medal and it's insane you're not getting one. Your awesome amazing Jedi skills have earned you top marks on this VERY tough quiz... There's no doubt about it, the force is with you. Great job!

Lucasfilm | Disney

Pretty good! While not absolute top marks, you certainly cut through this (extraordinarily tough) Star Wars trivia like a lightsaber through butter. Nice job!

Lucasfilm | Disney

Not so hot! You may not be a Jedi master but you got some right - and this was a particularly tough quiz! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Lucasfilm | Disney

Oh Dear! Maybe Star Wars isn't your thing, or it's been a while since you've watched them, perhaps... never mind! There's still lots of other awesome Beano quizzes for you to try!