Guess The Beano Character Quiz
Can you guess the Beano character from these super-zoomed in picture clues? Take this quiz to find out!
Are you such a big Beano fan that you could spot every single one of the umpteen-thoudand characters from just a teeny picture snippet? Well here's your chance to prove it! We've set up a tricky picture challenge for you, and the rules are simple. All you have to do is pick which Beano character you think we're hinting at!
Only real Beano fans will get 10/10! Or even 9/10. Or maybe 8! It's not an exact science.
Let's get guessing then!

OK... which famous Beano character is this?

And who wears this snazzy belt?

Who's hair-do is this? Is it even hair? You tell us!

Who's foot is this?

Who wears a jumper like this? Hint... it's one of the Bash Street Kids!

Who's ear is this?

And who's shiny hair-piece is this?

Who is this holding a tablet?

And who is the owner of this very styish hairdo?

And which of the Chandras carries a squirty flower round with them?

Gnoooooooooooo! Gnasher is gnot impressed with this! You need to have another go at this one, and quick - before Gnasher's boredom turns into something else! And don't worry if we've totally stumped you with these questions - there are lots more Beano quizzes for you to try!

Not bad! This is a pretty blam score... but Gnasher's gnot totally sure about it. You got a few right but missed a lot too - do you fancy another go to see if you can beat this score next time round?

Yesssss! You really are a Beano fan! This is a great score! Dennis is pretty chuffed with this! You didn't quite get 100% - but that's fine! If you want to beat your score have another go, or try a different Beano comic quiz! We have loads more!

Woah! Unbelievable! Full marks! This is a totally epic score! Well done - you couldn't have done any better than this! Now... do you fancy seeing if you can match this score on a different Beano comic quiz? We have loads more!