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Beano Makes… Things That Make a Noise!

Learn how to make a Clari-NOT, a Balloon Bassoon, Paper Popper and an awesome Raspophone

Beano Video Team
Last Updated:  December 22nd 2021

The Classic Clari-NOT

Using a tube, some sticky tape, and a straw, you can make a simple Clari-not! Check out more detailed instructions here!

  • You will need - Tube, Scissors, Sticky tack, Straw, Bottle
  • Cut and bend the straw
  • Cut it into a point
  • It should look like this
  • Make some holes in the tube
  • Use sticky tack to seal the straw
  • Make sure it's tight!
  • Carefully cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle
  • Use more sticky tack to attach it
  • Play your heart out!

The Brilliant Balloon Bassoon

Balloons and a bottle make for a soulful sound! Click here to get the original instructions.

  • You will need - bottle, scissors, balloon, rubber band, sports cap
  • Cut the bottom off the bottle
  • Cut a hole in the end of the balloon
  • Fit the sports cap inside the hole
  • Secure it with a rubber band
  • Stretch the balloon over the bottle
  • Keep the balloon tight by holding the mouth of the bassoon below the top of the bottle. Now blow!
  • Different tubes make different noises

The Perfect Paper Popper

Fold it up and let it blow. The bigger the paper, the louder the noise. If you need help, look no further.

  • You will need - a sheet of paper (the bigger, the better!)
  • Fold the paper in half, lengthways
  • Fold each of the four corners into triangles
  • Fold in half
  • Fold the paper over, in half
  • Do this on both sides
  • It should look like this:
  • Hold the paper from the bottom corner, and flick it to make a loud pop

The Ridiculous Raspophone

Blast and toot with this musical flute! You can catch the original instructions here.

  • You will need - rubber bands, cocktail stick, paper, spoons or lolly sticks
  • Place the small strip of paper on one of the spoons
  • Put the other spoon on top of the paper
  • Wrap a rubber band around one end of the spoons
  • Do the same for the other end
  • Snap the cocktail stick in half
  • Poke the 2 halves of the cocktail stick between the spoons
  • It should look like this
  • Decorate it however you want!
  • Grip the raspophone between your lips and blow!