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Beano Superstars – Sidney

Meet Sidney, one of the Bash Street Kids!

Beano Team
Last Updated:  March 14th 2022
Beano Superstars – Sidney Pye

People often joke that the only way people can tell and me my twin sister Toots apart is by seeing which one of us has a bow in our hair. 

I couldn’t wear a bow in my hair, anyway. It’s too messy and I can never keep it smoothed down. 

Toots was born first and she think that makes her the best of us, but we’re just the same really – although I think she’s a bit bossy and claims to be the leader of the Bash Street Kids. It could be or it might be Danny. I can’t make my mind up, but that’s just me in general. She’s my best friend, I know that for certain.

My other friends include Danny and Spotty, and we get into all sorts of scrapes and adventures. I love playing pranks on my friends, too. My favourite parts of the week are the weekends and I love school holidays. I get a bit bored at school and wish I could I could do what I wanted all the time. I just like to have fun, and that’s not something that happens in my class 2B. 

I live on the top floor of the Bash Street flats with my mum and dad – Andrew and Sarah – Toots, and our dog Peeps. I’ve actually got loads of pets, but they all stay on the roof. I’ve got so many birds – shout out Patrick the pigeon – as well as insects and reptiles, they may as well call it the Beanotown zoo. You won’t find any spiders up there, though. Nope. Not a fan, really.

Sidney Pye Fact File

Name: Sidney Pye (he's the one without the bow in his hair)

Age: 9

Best friend: Toots, his twin sister (she's the one WITH the bow)

Worst enemy: That's also Toots, his twin sister

Prized possession: His pet pigeon, Patrick

Motto: "She was born first, but Mum got it right second time!"

Super skill: Sidney loves animals and they love him

Family: Mum, dad and twin sister, Toots

Address: The very top floor of Bash Street Towers

Fact: Sidney loves all animals except spiders - they really creep him out!