Beano Superstars – Smiffy
Meet Smiffy, one of the Bash Street Kids!

Smiffy Fact File
Name: Aristotle Smith, also known as Smiffy
Age: 9, but his favourite age is 27
Best friends: Kevin the Pebble, Toots and the lollipop lady who crosses him over the road
Worst enemy: Himself, or possibly carrots
Prized possession: His collection of used raffle tickets
Motto: “I don’t get things wrong, I just answer questions in a different order”
Super skill: He’s never come across an idiot-proof device he couldn’t prove wrong
Family: Mum, dad and brother Norman. Smiffy’s the smart one, though.
Address: The basement, Bash Street Towers
Fact: Smiffy loves to walk his pets, Kevin the pebble and Boris the goldfish