BeanoToons – Blocks vs Bricks
The ultimate rap battle between Minecraft and LEGO
Blocks or Bricks
Bricks or Blocks
Who can build the best
With the bits they've got?
I am a LEGO Lady
I’m a Minecraft Man
I spend my time chipping at rocks
Getting all the blocks I can
Ha! You are always mining
I just get to work
Coz my bricks are bought in boxes
So that’s a little perk!
I can build until I’m out of blocks
And then I mine more
But if you run out of bricks
You need a visit to the store!
True, but I can build right through the day
and deep into the night
But if you continue after dark
You’ll surely get a fright!
Pah! I’m not scared of anything
I’m fiercer than a tiger
I’ve got a sword for creepers
Blocks or Bricks
Bricks or Blocks
Who can build the best
With the bits they've got?
LEGO is the best
Coz of all the different bits
I can build a rocket ship
With a Star Wars kit
Well I can build a moon base
To put me in the future
With redstone
I can make a working computer!
But I can build a rollercoaster
I can really ride!
Well I can build a cart track
And race it round a mine!
I can make a mini city!
I can make a citadel!
Yours is full of skeletons
But mine has people in as well!
I can make a tall tower to
Relax on when it’s sunny
Well so can I but… oh hang on,
I’ve just run out of money 🙁
Ha! It’s blatant, my creations are
The greatest on the scene!
Well at least mine are real
Yours are stuck inside a screen...
LEGO and Minecraft were not involved in the production of this video.