Best Ever Slime Bubbles!
Slime is truly awesome, but blowing big bubbles in it is the best!
Everybody loves slime! But have you ever tried blowing bubbles in it? You may want to after seeing this video!
The slime fanatics out there have made some amazing videos showing bubbles big and small being made, and we've selected our absolute favourites.
One can fit 3 small people in it. Another looks a bit like a bum. Others are glittery. And some daring people have filled huge balloons with slime until they exploded! All very slimy, and all very awesome.
Dropping your slime can create bubbles!
This one looks like a bum. LOL!

Triple trouble in a bubble!
It’s like a slime igloo – and pets can even join in the fun!

You can create epic slime bubbles with a leaf blower!
It’s far more fun than clearing leaves – but a bit messier!

How do you make slime bubbles even better?
By adding glitter – it's just a simple fact

You can make slime bubbles by just using a straw!
JoJo Siwa knows how!

Slo-mo slime bubbles are so satisfying!
But can be unpredictable and they sometimes explode. Look out!