Best Surfing Trivia Quiz
How good is your surfing knowledge? Find out in this cool quiz!
Best Surfing Trivia Quiz

True or False: Surfing is thousands of years old?

What's the record for the longest ever surf ride?

What is Donald Dettloff famous for?

What's a 'Barney'?

What happens on June 10th?

What's the record for most people standing on one surf board?

True or false - surfing was meant to be included for the first time ever in the 2020 Olympics?

What's so special about Margo Oberg?

Incredible! You're a surfing genius!

Well done, you know a lot about surfing!

Not bad, but you can improve! Have another go! You can always try the quiz again!

Uh oh, you're not much of a surfing fan! Never mind!