20 Brain Jokes To Laugh Your Head Off At!
These funny brain jokes will have you laughing your head off!
These funny jokes are a no-brainer! If you've enjoyed these jokes, we THINK you'll love our psychology jokes! Or why not strain your funny bone laughing at these bone jokes, they're very  humerus! And of course, we've got EVEN MORE hilarious jokes on our jokes hub!
How do brains say hello?
With a brain wave!

What kind of fish performs brain surgery?
A Neuro-Sturgeon!

Why didn't the brain take a bath?
It didn't want to get brainwashed!

What do you get if you mix rain and brains?
A brain storm!

What does a brain wear?
A thinking cap!

What happens when a brain gets scared?
It loses its nerve!

What kind of insect eats brains?
A zom-bee!

How do you turn a brain into water?
Take away the 'b' !

Why shouldn't you argue with a fictional character?
Their minds are made up!

What keeps working even after its fired?
A neuron!

What do you call an empty skull?
A no-brainer!

What did the patient say to the brain surgeon?
'Let me give you a piece of my mind!'

I told the doctor I didn't want brain surgery...
But they changed my mind!

What's a brain's favourite boat?
A blood vessel!

Why do brains put chocolate under their pillows?
To have sweet dreams!

'Doctor, doctor, there's an elephant on my head!'
'I can see you have a lot on your mind'

Why can't a brain be 12 inches long?
Because then it would be a foot!

Why did the brain put on mascara and blusher?
It wanted to make up its mind!

What do you call a brain working in a bank?
The head manager!

What do you call a brain with a fish in it?
A think tank!

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