20 Burger Jokes That You'll Relish!
Don't get in a pickle - you'll be sure to relish these saucy burger jokes!
Still hungry for some juicy food jokes? Take a bite of these pizza jokes, these Christmas dinner jokes, or for something a bit healthier we've got broccolli jokes, too! Food jokes all round!
And whilst you're getting your recommended daily intake of wisecracks, check out our amazing Jokes Generator! It's a laugh a minute with the Beano!
Did you hear about the man who got ill from eating a horse burger?
He's in a stable condition!
Where do burgers go to dance?
The meatball!
What was Shakespearae's favourite burger?
The McBeth!
Have you heard about the new Wookie burger?
Its a bit Chewie!
Have you seen the new fish burger from McDonald's?
It's called the McKerel!
Where do monkeys go to get their fast food?
Burger Kong!
What is a burger’s favorite day?
What do bees eat for lunch?
I just saw James Bond making burgers!
Turns out he has a licence to grill!
What type of burger isn't allowed on the titanic?
Ice burgers!
How did the burger introduce his new girlfriend?
Meet Patty, everyone!
What's a hamburger chef's favourite guitar chord?
Beef flat!
What do you call a burger bar at the bottom of the sea?
A scuba diner!
Why did Dracula order a burger?
He just fancied a quick bite!
What do you get when you cross a computer and a burger?
A big Mac!
What do penguins eat for lunch?
What do snowmen eat for lunch?
Iceburgers with chilly sauce!
What do you get if you cross a cheetah with a burger?
Fast food!