Can You Find Your Way To Hogwarts?
It's the first day of term and you need to get to Hogwarts! But how will you get there? And will you make it? Take our quiz and find out where you'll end up!

It's the first day of term and you need to get to Hogwarts! Where should you start?

Which platform do you need for the Hogwarts Express?

You made it onto the train! What are you going to do now?

Uh oh! Somethings happened to the train! It's stopping! What's caused it?

Hmm, doesn't look like you're going anywhere fast! What are you going to do?

The train seems to be stuck on a moor - what's your next option?

You've left the train behind and you're on your way. But what's slowing you down?

Uh oh, looks like something else is disrupting your journey - what could it be?

Ok, you think you can see Hogwarts coming into site! What's making it tricky to approach?

You're just about to go through the gates when something blocks your path - what is it?

Have you arrived all in one piece?

Now you're inside, you look around. What do you see?

You've made it to Hogwarts!
Hooray! Despite everything, you've made it to Hogwarts in one piece, and despite being a bit tired and wet, you're ready for the feast! Enjoy!

You've ended up in Diagon Alley!
Oh no, how did this happen? Well, at least you're in the Wizarding World...maybe someone can find you a fireplace or a portkey? And you can always pick up some supplies while you're here!

How did you get to Albania?
Er, okay, so...looks like you're in Albania? It's very popular with the Wizarding community, but probably not where you wanted to be right now. It's also a hang out for dark wizards, so be careful, and find a broomstick outta there as soon as possible!

You're in Hogsmeade!
So close but not quite! Looks like you're in Hogsmeade, at The Three Broomsticks! Never mind, get a trustworthy adult to escort you up to the castle and you'll be at the feast in no time!