Can You Guess the Video Game Logo?
We've used cutting edge technology to disguise these popular game logos. Can you tell us what they are?

Which video game company logo is this?

What about this swirly logo?

This one might take you a couple of weeks to guess...

What about this one?

Can you guess this logo?

What about this fuzzy feast for the eyes?

Which classic game logo is this?

What's this messy game logo, then?

You'll have to plumb the depths of your trivia memory for this one, right?

What about this popular pedestrian-based scrolling game?

Oh no! That was pretty tricky, wasn't it?

Good try! Why not have another go? You might do even better!

Great work! Someone has been paying attention to the beginning of the game!

Awesome! You're a true expert when it comes to gaming logos!