Can You Master Our UK Politics Quiz?
How much do you know about UK politics? Take this quiz and find out now!
Every country has a government, where elected officials gather in their respective capital city to debate ways on how to keep things running smoothly. You'll have probably noticed our Members of Parliament on our TV screens more than ever, but how much do you really know about politics in the United Kingdom?
Good luck!

What's the name of this building?

In which city is Scottish Parliament based?

Who was Prime Minister at the start of the Second World War?

Who was Prime Minister at the end of the Second World War?

Who was considered as the first Prime Minister?

What is the role of the Speaker of the House of Commons?

Who is the Head of the Home Office?

Who is in charge of the UK's budget?

Who was the last Labour Prime Minister?

What does MP stand for?

What does an MP NOT do?

What age can you begin to vote?

What street does the Prime Minister live?

Who lives at 11 Downing Street?

How often are General Elections held?

Who is the current leader of the opposition?

People in the House of Lords do not get an annual salary. True or false?

How many MPs are in the Houses of Parliament?

What was the name of the first ever woman to become Prime Minister?

Oh no! Politics is tricky, isn't it? Better luck next time.

Good try! Why not have another go soon?

Great work! You must watch the news every day or something!

Wow! You must live IN the Houses of Parliament!